Friday, March 26, 2021

Notice 3 things about depression.

Notice 3 things about depression. 

1.1 when we feel extremely tired

The devil knows the right time to attack us with *depression. We are especially weak when our bodies feel very tired. It was certainly like this for Elijah. He sat down under a tree and wanted to die. He had no physical energy at the time (1 Kings 18:46). First, he had run nearly 20 miles to a place called Jezreel. Then he heard bad news in the city. So, he ran for more than another 80 miles. He was certainly very tired. It is no surprise to read that he felt depressed.

This may be the main cause for your *depression. Perhaps you do far too much in a day. You do not take care of your body. Please do not forget something. If you are God’s child, your body is the special house of the Holy Spirit. (Read 1 Corinthians 3:16, 17 and 6:19, 20) Do not be careless about your physical needs. This brings dishonour to God. (Dishonour is the opposite of honour.)

You should say some things to yourself. Perhaps I do not have enough rest and sleep. Perhaps I do not make enough time for my leisure. Perhaps I need to relax with some activity. Perhaps I do not have meals at regular times. All these things are very important. They have *spiritual as well as physical importance. There are times when it is easier to become depressed. The devil will try to use them. These times are when our health is weak.

1.2 when we have had great *spiritual benefits

This was how it was for Elijah. He had had a great experience on the mountain. (Read 1 Kings 18:16-39.) What a great success it had been! God had showed his power and greatness. Elijah must have felt great excitement. He was so happy. Then it came ... *depression!

It often happens like that in our lives. There is no natural reason for it. God has just given us a great benefit. But the reason should be plain. The devil wants to steal from us. He wants to take away our joy and peace in God. To make us feel depressed is the easiest way. The devil can use just a minor event in our lives. He tries to make us forget about God. Then we become very depressed.

1.3 when we least expect it

This is the time when the devil comes to attack us. He attacks with ‘the arrows of *depression’. Elijah left the place where he had been successful. He had astonished all the people. Then he rushed off to Jezreel. He was going to tell people about God’s great success. But he was soon a very different man. He was so afraid and depressed. His tears seemed to show that Jezebel had won.

*Depression often comes when we do not expect it. It just appears in our lives. Remember Paul’s words to Christians at Corinth. They warn us all. ‘The person who thinks that he is standing strong should be careful. He might fall.’ (The words are in 1 Corinthians 10:12.)

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ABOUT:  Masonwabe Nyanga is a life coach, motivators, public speaker and motivational speaker.
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Thursday, March 25, 2021

Our enemy, the devil, uses depression

Our enemy, the devil, uses depression

This is to make us less able than we usually are. If the devil gets us depressed, he wins a major success. I saw these words in a Bible. ‘I completely refuse to please the devil by being depressed.’ The devil can use all sorts of tests and troubles. He uses them to make us feel depressed. Peter calls them ‘different kinds of troubles’. (Read 1 Peter 1:6.) The word that he uses means ‘many colours’.

Our tests are of various kinds and ‘shades’. But there is something great. It will encourage us. God’s grace is always sufficient. (Note: Grace means kindness. God gives us what we do not deserve. He saves us. He helps us.) Peter writes about ‘different kinds’ of troubles. But he also writes about ‘different kinds’ of grace. (Read 1 Peter 4:10.) Remember Paul’s words too. God says: ‘My grace is all that you need’ (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Notice 3 things about depression.

Look forward seeing your comments and likes on my videos and articles.

ABOUT:  Masonwabe Nyanga is a life coach, motivators, public speaker and motivational speaker.
To connect with or for collaborations:

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Play to your strengths.

Play to your strengths.

Spending too much time in your weaknesses wears you down. Spending more time in your strengths helps you renew your energy and find your flow.

Strengths are the place where you can grow your best. Find the things that you can do all day that you really enjoy and find excuses throughout your day to do more of that. Success builds on itself and this helps you build momentum.

Try out the motivation techniques to see what works for you.

At the end of the day, all motivation really comes down to self-motivation, and you get better at motivation by building your self-awareness.

Learn how to push your own buttons from the inside out.

Look forward seeing your comments and likes on my videos and articles.

ABOUT:  Masonwabe Nyanga is a life coach, motivators, public speaker and motivational speaker.
To connect with or for collaborations:

Sunday, February 21, 2021

I have set open doors before you

I have set open doors before you.

“I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name.
Revelation 3:8 NKJV

God opens doors in our lives don’t try to close it because of the trials, which is sometimes required. No one can close an open door that God has for you so have confidence in the Lord. If it’s God’s will it will be done, remember He always has a plan. Watch out as well for doors that God closes.

Some doors are not God’s will for you to enter them and God closes it for your protection. God knows everything and He knows if you’re on a path that leads to danger. Pray to God continuously to know His will. Rely on the Spirit. The Holy Spirit will tell you if something is God’s will. 

Allow the Spirit to guide your life.
When God opens a door He will never cause you to compromise or contradict His Word. Many times God will confirm His will through His Word and through others such as godly counsel.

Usually you know it’s an open door from God when you have to rely on Him. Some people try to do things in the arm of the flesh, but when it’s God’s will we must ask Him to bless the work of our hands.

We must ask Him to strengthen us and help us daily. If God doesn’t make a way there will be no way. Seek first God’s Kingdom. Open doors will strengthen your prayer life and faith.

When it’s an open door you know that it is God who is really at work. Once again remember that the Holy Spirit will give you an uneasy feeling if He wants you to keep a door closed. 

Keep on knocking on God’s door. Sometimes the door is a little cracked open and God just wants us to persevere in prayer. When the time is right He will fully open the door.

Look forward seeing your comments and likes on my videos and articles.

ABOUT:  Masonwabe Nyanga is a life coach, motivators, public speaker and motivational speaker.
To connect with or for collaborations:

Sunday, January 17, 2021

How to fix your paralyzed life?

How to fix your paralyzed life?

in this video I will be talking about how to fix your paralyzed life?

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ABOUT:  Masonwabe Nyanga is a life coach, motivator, public speaker and motivational speaker. 

To connect with or for collaborations:

Friday, January 15, 2021

The Meaning of "Stop" - More Than Just a Traffic Sign

The Meaning of "Stop" - More Than Just a Traffic Sign

The word "stop" carries a profound meaning that extends beyond the familiar red octagonal sign we encounter on the road.

In this article, we delve into the purpose of the stop sign and explore how its significance can be applied to our daily lives.

Stop Sign Purpose:
The primary purpose of a stop sign is clear - it's there to bring traffic to a complete halt. However, there are essential rules and guidelines associated with this action:

1. Stop Behind the Line:
When you approach a stop sign, your vehicle must come to a complete stop behind the designated stop line. This rule ensures orderly traffic flow and safety.

2. No Stop Line:
If there is no stop line present, your vehicle's front must come to a standstill in line with the stop sign. This practice maintains consistency in stopping locations.

3. Yield to Others:
At a three or four-way stop, you must yield to all other vehicles that arrived before you. Failing to do so can lead to accidents and disruptions in traffic flow.

4. Proceed Safely:
Only proceed through the intersection when it is safe to do so. This means ensuring there is no oncoming traffic or pedestrians in your path.

STOP - An Acronym for Life:
"Stop" is not just a word; it can also serve as an acronym that holds valuable lessons for our daily lives:

- S: Stop
   - Pause and take a moment to evaluate your actions or decisions.
- T: Think
   - Reflect on the potential consequences of your choices and actions.

- O: Observe
   - Pay attention to your surroundings and the impact of your decisions on others.

- P: Proceed
   - Move forward only when you are confident it is the right course of action.

Applying the STOP Method in Daily Life:
The STOP method can be a powerful tool in navigating life's challenges. Whether you're facing a critical decision, dealing with a difficult situation, or striving for personal growth, remember to STOP:

1. Stop and assess the situation.
2. Think about your options and their consequences.
3. Observe the impact on yourself and those around you.
4. Proceed with wisdom and care.

The concept of "stop" goes beyond a mere traffic directive. It serves as a reminder to pause, think, observe, and proceed wisely in all aspects of life. By applying the STOP method in our daily lives, we can make better decisions, enhance our relationships, and ultimately lead a more fulfilling life.

Thank you for reading, and we look forward to your comments and likes on our videos and articles.

Written by Masonwabe Nyanga

Monday, January 4, 2021

Be strong and of good courage part 3

 "Be strong and of good courage part 3"

Let us now talk about our final part of which will be based in the word dismayed but before that I would like us to take this moment to meditate in the following Bible verse.

"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes. I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10 NKVJ

(1) the meaning of do not be dismayed. It means that do not let anything to cause you to lose courage or resolution as because of an alarm of fear. 

(2) what does being be dismayed mean. To break down the courage of completely, as by sudden danger or trouble. 

Let me give you some example of things that can break our courage.

2.1.1 the pain of losing someone due  to death when that happen we eventually become afraid and ask ourselves questions like but why did this happen to me for no one wants to lose people that they love so when that happen it brings fear and it breaks our courage that's why God spoke to Joshua not to be afraid.

2.1.2 the other thing is when your employer tells you that you just lost your job that also brakes our inner strength so well when such things happen we should always put our trust in God and call upon him to assist us in matters like this.

(3) this is an example of dismayed. Is defined as sudden or total loss of courage. An example of dismay is feeling defeated after applying to dozens of jobs and being offered none of them.

(4) the formal definition of dismay is a strong feeling of Fear, wrong, or sickness that is caused by something unpleasant and unexpected.

(5) I will strengthen you. here God is saying I will make you stronger than your problems or your challenges difficulties you just need to stand firm and go forward. 

(6) to stand firm is to refuse to change a decision position and etc.

(7) I will help you means that making it easier or possible for someone to do something by offering them one's service or resources. 

(8) So you will also declare a thing and it will be established for you so light will shine on your ways." job 22 verse 28 NKJV

If you find this helpfully share with other people. 

Written by Masonwabe Nyanga

"Noah Leaves the Ark – A New Beginning (Genesis 8:13-19)"

Sure! Here's a 700-word blog post based on your YouTube video link. Noah Leaves the Ark: A New Beginning (Genesis 8:13-19) For months...