Tuesday, July 20, 2021

May I say this to you: it takes a lifetime to learn the government of God.

May I say this to you: it takes a lifetime to learn the government 
of God.

 All our years on earth as Christians are spent learning to 
know how God rules over us. Remember, in nothing can we freely 
judge or criticize. 

Let us develop the habit of not being busybodies or 
babblers. Learn to be God-fearing. It is not only unprofitable, but 
also most serious to provoke the governmental hand of God. Be very 
careful not to let the predicament of others fall upon you; do not 
draw it down upon yourself by freely condemning others. 

we sow, that we shall also reap. This maxim is very true for God’s 
children. Let us learn to be charitable. The more charitable we are the 
better, for by being charitable toward other people, we will receive 
charity from God. If we are mean and severe with our brothers, God 
will be strict and exacting with us. Learn to be gentle, merciful, and 
kind toward the brethren.

 Try to overlook the faults of your brethren; 
speak fewer idle words, be restrained in judgment. When people are 
in trouble, help them but do not judge them. 
In the last days the Jews are going to suffer much. They will be 
imprisoned, stripped naked, and left hungry. Those who are sheep 
(see Matt. 25:31-46) will visit them in prison, clothe them in their 
nakedness, and feed them in their hunger. We cannot say that 
because God has decided to let the Jews pass through persecution 
and distress, we then will add to their sufferings. Yes, God does 
allow them to pass through deep waters, but we must learn to be 

Governmental discipline is God’s province; the concern 
of the children of God in this age is to learn to be charitable and 
merciful to others no matter what the circumstances. Thus shall God 
spare us many distresses. 
There are many Christians who have fallen terribly because of 
judging people too severely in the past. Their difficulty issues out of 
their past criticism. God has not lessened His rein. Extracted from watchman nee.

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